March 25, 2025
Doe Deere

Doe Deere was born in Russia, but she moved to New York when she was a teenager so that she could expand her love for fashion and makeup. She is now the CEO of the worldwide company, Lime Crime. Doe wants to show women of all ages that they can embrace their beauty and not be afraid to show their true colors whether it’s by wearing bright colors on the face or in the hair. The cosmetics sold by Lime Crime don’t just mask the wrinkles and the flaws. They allow women to live independently.

Lime Crime was founded in 2008. The cosmetics aren’t tested on animals, and they are made with natural ingredients. This makes them safe for skin types of all kinds. There are women from across the world who order the cosmetics online and who showcase the vibrant colors by sending pictures back to the company or by displaying their looks online as there is a significant fan base. Some of the products sold by Lime Crime include lipstick, fingernail polish and eye glitter. Bold colors include blue, lime green and all shades of pink.

Since Doe started her own business from the ground up at a young age, she supports women who want to do the same. She has given speeches at several events, such as the Vegas Nay’s Stardust Tour. Doe encourages women to reach out to her through social media so that she can talk to them and inspire them to reach for their goals and to fulfill their dreams.

How Did You Come Up With Lime Crime?

I started selling items on eBay in 2004. I wore the clothing that I sold myself so that others could see what it would look like on before they made a purchase. After clothing, I started selling makeup because I needed something to go along with the fashions that I was sewing. When the combination took off, I decided on the name Lime Crime for my business because it should be a crime to get away with wearing such bold and fun colors and because lime is my favorite color.

How Do The Events Of The Day Look?

There isn’t really a day that’s the same as any other. Since I’m the CEO of Lime Crime, I have meetings that I attends and also encourage the people who work for me. There are days when I am helping to develop new ideas and days when I is modeling the items before they are sold so that I knows what they will look like on the skin. Another aspect of the day involves reading messages that are sent on social media and responding to those messages. With Lime Crime, there isn’t a part of the day when there’s nothing to do in the business.

What Are Some Of The Ways That You Breathe Life Into Thoughts?

I have a brilliant group who encourage me to get my ideas processed and out into the public’s eye. There are challenges along the way. I sometimes thinks of ideas like children. They are cared for and raised so that they can be successful in life. Once the idea of a new product is developed, me and my team will wear it to make sure there aren’t any reactions to the skin and to see that the color looks the way that they want it to instead of being a different shade.

Is There A Trend That You Enjoy?

When it comes to the digital age, Generation Z, or anyone born after about 1997, started to bring the internet to life. This includes shopping online. There are more people searching for items on the internet compared to going to a store than ever before as they can shop for the items that they want without leaving home. When customers shop from home, they often have a larger selection of items and can save what they want while looking for deals from other companies so that they can make the best choice. One of the things that makes Lime Crime stand out is that the business is one of the first to do almost all of its business online. There were people who told me that I wouldn’t be able to sell makeup and make it a success without a store, but I proved them wrong and is now one of the largest companies across the world.

Is There A Habit That Makes You A Success?

I enjoy believing in my company and in my customers. I know that a clear image allows me to make the best decisions and to offer the best products and services for my customers. If I could tell myself anything when I was younger, it would be to take control of my life and to let out being the weird soul that I am so that I can be happy.

What’s Something That Few Others Agree With?

One thing that I want to see more of is hair color in schools and in businesses. There are people who wear heels that are inches tall, so what’s wrong with wearing different colors in the hair? Many of the people who work for Lime Crime have everything from blue to pink hair at any time of the year.

Is There Advice For Others Who Want To Start A Business?

I believe that business owners should learn how to listen. They should listen to customers and to the people who work for the company. If you pay attention, there’s always something that can be learned so that you can be a success. A strategy that I use is trusting my gut feeling. I listen to myself if there’s something that doesn’t seem right or if something seems like it should be marketed regardless of what anyone else thinks. I have made mistakes in life before becoming the CEO of Lime Crime. One was dressing up as a historical figure for Halloween. I learned about respect from the incident and saw that I don’t have to become what others want me to be online.

What Are Some Of The Good Things About Money And Business?

There are a few things that I have done recently that I am proud of, such as donating money to an animal shelter in New York. I am passionate about rescuing cats and other animals and wanted to do something to help. I also advise business owners in the cosmetic industry or even photography to consider using programs like Facetune. It’s a program that will wipe away the imperfections on the face, making it easier to see what makeup would look like before it’s purchased and to make pictures stand out. I believe in being yourself no matter what anyone else says.


Follow her @doedeere , LinkedIn, and Facebook

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