January 22, 2025

Andrew Manganaro Explains the Benefits of Life Line Screening in Preventing Advancement of Cardiovascular Disease

Life Line Screening CMO

Life Line Screening CMO

Andrew Manganaro of Life Line Screening

Question: What is Life Line Screening all about and what is your position within the company?

Life Line Screening is the largest company in the nation dedicated to screening patients for vascular related diseases. Our company has currently screened over eight million individuals, and we retain an array of board certified professionals who review each and every ultrasound to ensure accurate readings and test results each time. I am in charge of ensuring that the quality protocols we set in place are followed in all cases.

Question: How did your involvement with this company come about?

It stemmed from my many years spent as a cardiovascular surgeon who witnessed the devastating, and often fatal, effects of heart disease. I unfortunately witnessed the untimely death of far too many patients, and wanted to design a way to be aware of the most at-risk patients before these diseases had the ability to take their life.

Question: Isn’t Life Line Screening similar to a standard check-up or yearly physical?

No, Life Line Screening offers services that go much deeper than a standard physical. We utilize a unique algorithm that takes each patient’s suitability for screening into account. We are even able to screen individuals who are not currently experiencing any symptoms, but have a number of risk factors, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and family history. Age is also an important criterion.

Question: Do you find laymen and medical professionals both have an active interest in these services?

Judging by the large number of people who utilize our services, it’s safe to say that both patients and doctors are appreciative of the benefits these potentially life-saving screenings can offer.

Question: How do you get the message out about the services that Life Line Screening provides?

We present the benefits of our screening program through a carefully constructed marketing campaign, as well as presenting these benefits specifically to the scientific community by way of our professional literature and publications.

Question: What types of testing does Life Line Screening offer?

We offer a wide variety of non-invasive testing procedures to assess the risk factors of each patient and their likelihood of developing various cardiovascular issues. These tests include painless ultrasounds of the carotid arteries and abdominal aorta, as well as measurements of the ankle brachial index, which can let us know if a patient suffers from peripheral vascular disease.

Additionally, we offer screenings for osteoporosis, as well as EKG screenings to detect a risk factor for strokes known as atrial fibrillation. Last but not least, we also offer a wide range of blood tests that help detect numerous cardiovascular issues even before they cause symptoms in the patient.

Question: Do you plan to develop any new screenings in the near future?

We work diligently at developing new screenings that can enhance the quality of life of our patients. For example, we have recently added screenings for patients concerned about the health and functioning of their lungs, as well as a program targeted at helping those with type 2 diabetes, some of the leading areas of disease affecting millions in our country each day.

Question: Explain to us the role that technology plays in the development of these testing procedures and how they’re carried out.

Technology is constantly advancing, and things are now possible that we only dreamed about years ago. At Life Line Screening, we use only the most advanced, state-of-the art technology to provide the most accurate screening methods which can be done in the most non-invasive ways, helping our patients achieve the greatest level of health possible for them, with the greatest convenience and comfort.

Question: Have you noticed a recent trend toward prevention of cardiovascular disease overall?

Indeed, the professional scientific community has taken a much greater interest in recent years in the prevention and early detection of cardiovascular issues, and the screenings involved in preventing the advancement of these diseases. This is very exciting and encouraging to see.

Want to learn more about Life Line Screening? Click here.

Question: Does Life Line Screening contribute to furthering research on the topic of prevention and early detection of cardiovascular disease?

We report our results and statistics to a variety of professional scientific journals. We also work hand-in-hand with the New York University School of Medicine, the University of California at San Francisco, and Oxford University in the United Kingdom to help increase research into life enhancing screenings that truly make a difference for our patients and their quality of life.

Question: Do you find your job to be fulfilling, and if so, why is this the case?

I have spent many years in a clinical and surgical setting, and as such I witnessed first-hand the devastating effects of cardiovascular disease, including ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms that lead to death. These tragedies could have easily been prevented with the right screening tools in place, and the patient could have received life-saving treatment in time. Life Line Screening provides just such early intervention, and the possibility of saving many from an unnecessary and untimely death is very rewarding. It is also rewarding to be a part of educating communities and individuals about controllable risk factors and how to make lifestyle changes.

Question: Has anything shocked you as this company has developed and changed over time?

I would say what has surprised me is how much our credibility has grown and increased through recent years. This is definitely an honor to see and further proves the helpfulness of these screenings and how many lives we have been able to positively impact.

Question: What is on the horizon for Life Line Screening?

The possibilities are truly limitless in terms of the benefits we can continue to offer our patients. Through both awareness campaigns and prevention education combined with risk assessment for asymptomatic individuals, there’s truly no limit to the difference we can make in the lives of many.

For more information on Life Line Screening, follow them on YouTube, Twitter, or LinkedIn.



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