February 22, 2025

Kate Meckler, Real Estate Agent in New York

Headshot of Kate Meckler, a real estate agent based in New York, NY

Interview with Kate Meckler, a real estate agent based in New York, NY

Kate Meckler is an experienced real estate agent in Manhattan with more than 16 years in the industry. She has a track record of selling various types of properties, including townhouses, cooperatives, and condominiums, across many neighborhoods from the Upper East and West Sides to downtown. Kate is known for building long-term relationships with her clients, often based on repeat and referral business.

Raised in Manhattan, Kate graduated from Riverdale Country School and New York University with a BA degree. Prior to her real estate career, which began in 1999, she worked in marketing and event planning at Bear Stearns and Estee Lauder, and also taught at a nursery school on the Upper West Side. Her knowledge of New York City’s real estate market is comprehensive and practical.

In addition to her professional work, Kate is involved in various charitable activities. She has served on the board of Love Heals and is currently associated with Reach Out and Read at Bellevue Hospital, The Young Lions Society at the New York Public Library, The Partnership for Public Service, The Central Park Conservancy, and Crossroads. Kate balances her career with personal interests, including being a mother, playing tennis, and engaging in crafts.

1. What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

On weekday mornings I take my son to school, and we walk about 12 city blocks.  We aim to leave at 7:40 AM.  At the same time, I walk our toy poodle so that he gets his morning walk in and I get two things done at the same time.   On the Weekends I always hope to wake up and hear that the dog has been walked by my son, so I can have a relaxing start to the day.  But that doesn’t always happen!

2. How do you bring ideas to life?

I like to make a vision board.  I look at what I want to make happen and while it does not always actually come to life; the notion that I know I am trying is a positive thing.  I try to make sure one or two more attainable things actually happen each month.

3. What’s one trend that excites you?

I find AI very interesting.  I can’t believe that robotic cars actually exist and while I am a little afraid of such a thing, I can’t wait to see one.

4. What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

I never give up.  I have no fear of coldly contacting someone and suggesting a property to them.  The worst thing is they say no or don’t respond.

5. What advice would you give your younger self?

I wish I had created a CRM when I started in the business almost 25 years ago.  There are so many people I sold or rented apartments to, and I couldn’t tell you their names for the life of me!

6. Tell us something true that almost nobody agrees with you on.

I don’t believe mailers work.  I personally throw any marketing material I receive in the garbage.

7. As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

I always keep fit and healthy.  I think it is important to take care of yourself.  Health is the most important thing.  If you don’t have that, you can’t do anything else.  So I exercise (I try for 5 times a week), and I eat healthy foods.  Of course, there is the occasional lapse and I have a greasy burger and fries!

8. What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business?

Again, having no fear of rejection.  I always put myself up for it, and I don’t get bothered or offended when people don’t respond.

9. What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

I was targeted by the media for something that was completely taken out of proportion.  They represented me in a negative way.  Instead of hiding in a hole, I kept on going.  And it is behind me now.  I just grin and bear it.  I know who I am, and people who know me can vouch for that over and over.

10. What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

Hummm……I do think it would be cool to bring a brand of sportswear over to Turkey.  I know that sounds odd.  But they all know about Lulu Lemon, but not something called Aviator Nation.  Of course, I am sure someone has tried.

11. What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why?

I am a single mother by choice, and recently I hired a babysitter to help with getting him to certain after-school activities.  Paying her has given me a rest!

12. What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

Sheryl Sandberg’s biography.  She says that you should be happy it’s your birthday (when you feel like you are getting older) and embrace it because you are still alive and lucky enough to live another year.

13. What is your favorite quote?

“Never give up”

Summarize 3 Key Learnings

  1. I realize that I want to succeed.  That my health is truly so important and that I should be thankful every day. 
  2. I also realize that friends and family are what matters. 
  3. To feel blessed every day that I have those two things (health and family and love).

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