Q&A With Imran Haque, Horizon Internal Medicine

Tell us a bit about Horizon Internal Medicine.
Horizon Internal Medicine is an independent medical organization with facilities in Asheboro and Ramseur, North Carolina. Along with several other doctors, including specialists in internal and family medicine, I offer a variety of services to patients.
My qualifications and experience as an internist allow me to act as a primary physician, but I also provide specialized services that patients in these communities may not otherwise have access to. My own experience has given me the opportunity to offer weight management and diabetes treatment and management services, and Horizon Internal Medicine also offers cosmetic procedures such as laser hair removal, 360 resurfacing, and Venus body contouring.
What gave you the idea for your business and how did it start?
I originally started my career working in internal medicine at hospital-owned facilities. I quickly came to realize that there was a gap between services patients were seeking and what was offered through these facilities. I wanted to ensure that patients had access to specialized services locally, instead of having to travel for needed care.
This prompted me to move forward in my career with the goal of filling the gap between local demand and available services. I also noticed a lack of good bedside manner within the medical profession, and I wanted to revive that in my own practice. The result has been a lot of positive feedback from satisfied patients.
What’s your favorite thing about your job?
There’s nothing better than healthy, happy patients. As a physician, the goal is not only to heal, but to give patients the knowledge, tools, and skills to participate in their own health journeys. We’re in this together, and my job is to provide patients with information and advice, along with medical care. I work hard to keep up with education and technological advances so that I can provide the most current and relevant information and services to patients. The payoff comes when patients see improvement in quality of life and overall health and happiness.
What are your keys to making yourself productive?
The secret to my success is definitely multi-tasking. Over the years, I’ve become adept at multi-tasking, to the point where I do it almost unconsciously. Without this key skill, I would certainly not be as productive as I am.
Tell us one long-term goal in your career.
As a physician, I always strive to provide the best possible care to patients. However, I have made it my long-term goal to be kind and compassionate, as well. I see this as a trait lacking in many medical professionals today. There seems to be a misconception that doctors have to remain aloof and reserved, that they can’t become emotionally involved in cases.
I think that there is a balance to be struck, where a physician can care about patients, listen to their concerns, and offer a level of human compassion. If everyone was a little kinder and more respectful to others, the world would be a better place.
What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned through the course of your career?
I’ve learned to live by the golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. In the long run, it profits no one to act selfishly and trample others. In the healthcare field, you have to work with a lot of other people, including other healthcare professionals and patients. It’s important to always treat others with the same level of respect, kindness, and understanding that you, yourself would hope to receive. I feel that this practice is a big part of my success. It has helped me to build productive relationships and a strong professional network.
I’ve also learned to be resilient. I was very trusting when I was younger, and I found that people will take advantage and that they often have their own agendas. I believe it is important to practice kindness and generosity, but also to observe a healthy dose of realism. It’s one thing to be compassionate and understanding, but you can’t let people walk all over you.
What advice would you give to others aspiring to succeed in your field?
I would advise young doctors to treat patients as people. It’s all too easy to focus on a case – the symptoms and behaviors – and neglect the fact that you’re dealing with people who have their own feelings and motivations, different from your own. It’s imperative to become partners in healthcare if you want to improve the lives of your patients.
What are your favorite things to do outside of work?
I’m a pretty big sports fan. Personally, I love football, basketball, and tennis, and I really enjoy participating in fantasy football leagues each year. It’s a great way to get immersed in the sport and have some fun socially.
I’m also a really big fan of local sports. I truly believe that North Carolina State University has hands-down the best college sports program in the state, although I don’t think a lot of people would agree with me on that. I also love to travel, but I’ve had to put travel on the backburner due to my dedication to my work and my patients.
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