February 22, 2025

Q&A with Greg Secker, Forex Trading Guru


From the beginning of his career, Greg Secker has been a key player in the finance world. He got his start at Thomas Cook Financial Services and advanced to create his own company called “The Vital Trading Desk.” This unique platform offered a real-time online Forex system of trading. With each new position he held, he climbed the ladder and eventually landed a job with a Fortune 500 investment bank. Here, Greg Secker’s knowledge and experience grew to exceptional levels. One of his latest endeavors is “Learn to Trade.” Through seminars and various workshops, this business helps to educate clients about trading for success.

Besides being a shrewd businessman, Greg is also a compassionate philanthropist. One of his proudest achievements is his “Greg Secker Foundation.” This organization focuses on teaching communities how to master life skills so that everyone can gain success and live a higher quality of life. Learning how Greg answers a few questions sheds some light on the journey he has been on and the things that have inspired him.

Where did you get the idea to begin The Greg Secker Foundation?

After I moved back to the UK, I had time on my hands to play around with my own trade dealings. At that point, I was sick of sitting behind computers all day. I decided that I wanted to work with real people and motivate them. I wanted to uncover a way to give them the same tools that I had so that they could be successful. While I was analyzing the market, I realized that it was extremely complicated. The best way that I could help others was to work with them on an individual basis. I developed a business model that eventually got my company to the top of the industry.

What do you do when you are trying to bring your ideas to fruition?

I try to look down the road and fall in love with the way that it could be. This makes it easier to take the necessary steps and turn an idea into reality. When you envision what needs to be done, your brain can review the steps and correct errors that may occur. In a way, this helps to anticipate the end results and create a solid path that will get you there.

Also, I stay enthusiastic about my plans. When you get excited about an idea, it will rub off on your close family, friends, and business associates. Their interests will build, which will raise your excitement to a higher level. It is an endless cycle that will have a group of people loving your ideas and assisting you with your goals.

What is one of your habits that makes you a successful entrepreneur?

I always take time to think. Even though many people are caught up in working hard, you can’t work and think at the same time. I learned this lesson when I began working from my home near London. Since I was not in the office on an everyday basis, I got a chance to disconnect and think about the business. It helped me reorganize ideas and resources. In the end, I was able to expand and improve my business model. I was able to make my company something that truly made a difference for many groups of people.

If you could begin again, is there anything that you can recommend to other entrepreneurs that will help them gain success?

An entrepreneur must read as much as possible. That being said, I rarely read books cover-to-cover. I usually select a chapter or a few important pages and jot down some notes. Through reading, you can learn how various people view life. I love autobiographies, especially those that are written about individuals who are known for their character.

What is one failure that you’ve encountered, and how did you move beyond it?

When I tried to launch a business in India, I failed miserably. We didn’t do enough research. Due to the state of exchange rate controls, we were not licensed to deal with the foreign exchange trade. If we had done more, we would have avoided this costly misstep. India could have been a key location for our business. It was quite a blow.

At the point of failure, I knew that we needed a solid comprehension about regulated trading. We developed a compliance team that now advises on all things that are related to foreign exchange.

Who has had a major influence over your thinking?

Gary Vaynerchuk is one person who definitely stands out. His idea of turning people into things that he utilizes to sell to big companies in advertising space is brilliant. Society is becoming more diversified. People are starting to make more personal choices and using technology to help them form opinions.

Learn more about Greg Secker here:

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