March 30, 2025

Q&A with Graeme Cohen, Founder of Medical Cyber Protection

Graeme Cohen, Founder of Medical Cyber Protection

Graeme, tell us a bit about Medical Cyber Protection.  
Medical Cyber Protection offers a complete suite of solutions to keep your patient information and office environment secure from cyber threats, hacks, malware, bitcoin ransom, data breaches, and potential office shutdowns. We take a proactive stance in helping you maintain HIPAA/ePHI compliance.

What gave you the idea for your business and how did it start?
In 2010, I set up a call center in India providing technical support for a variety of computer issues related to breaches and hacks. For 3 years we successfully supported over 16,000 tech related issues. I saw a growing need to provide support to clients who found themselves in need. The technical support field was unfortunately scared with scams and unethical practices. I found this disturbing and ventured into specialized support for Quickbooks users, as niche marketing is my specialty. In 2013 I opened a call center in the Philippines addressing the lack of support available, and quickly gained success with over 4000 QuickBooks users, providing all levels of support. QuickBooks has since then made huge efforts to convert most users to their online platform, putting a dent in my business. I have seen a growing need for Cyber Security and Support in the Medical Field and decided this would be the perfect solution to a growing problem. Almost all of the Medical Professional practices are not in compliant with HIPAA and therefore are susceptible to breaches, hacks, and patient data compromises. I feel Medical Cyber Protection is the perfect end to end solution for this issue.

What’s your favorite thing about your job? 
Managing a growing team, and solving problems is my favorite thing. I enjoying seeing the evolution of a seedling idea, into a full blown tree or forest.

What are your keys to making yourself productive?
The constant evolution of our product and services, and educating myself about the industry and growing need for solutions.

Tell us one long-term goal in your career.
My goal is to become a leader in the Cyber Security space by lecturing and training other companies about Cyber Security. I also want to create scholarships in poor countries to help students become Cyber Security experts, and set up a foundation for Medical Services in impoverished countries.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned through the course of your career? 
The most valuable lesson I have learned is that giving is always better than receiving.

What advice would you give to others aspiring to succeed in your field?
My advice is, to be honest, and follow through with what you promise. I think we live in an age where people expect things to just come their way without really putting in the work and sacrifice. Everyone is looking for the next buyout, or exit strategy. While those things might seem appealing, they should not be the reason for starting a career, or project. Nothing beats good honest hard work, and you can never be sure what is around the next corner. In simple words, do the work, and the rewards will present themselves.

What are your favorite things to do outside of work?
Playing golf, and helping others.

Name a few influential books you’ve read and/or websites you keep up with that you’d recommend to readers. 

I read mainly trade publications such as: HealthIT, TechTarget, and

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