Q&A with David McDonald, President of OSI Group

David McDonald OSI Group
David McDonald is President of OSI Group, a premier global food provider that partners with international brands. He has been with the company for over three decades and has helped with its tremendous growth. OSI’s original vision remains the same and has the goal to deliver more to customers than any other provider. McDonald has answered some questions so that it is easier to see why OSI Group continues to grow and to thrive.
The core of OSI is “entrepreneurial passion and a can-do ethic.” How does this play out?
The target of all employees is to meet and to exceed the expectations of our customers. Everyone must remain patient. As a private company, it is possible to be flexible with the solutions that we offer. We can look at the big picture and take the necessary time to establish good relationships.
How have you been able to use your large amount of employees to establish successful facilities across the globe?
The cornerstone of our success is the ability to create dynamic and successful partnerships. Each partner has a thorough knowledge of the culture and business practices in each OSI Group location. Every individual partner is close to customers in his or her specific region. This allows us to establish a solid balance that influences all decisions and expenditures. Being successful in each area allows us to scale OSI globally.
You have enjoyed great success in China. What is your catalyst?
It is essential to become one of the locals. We were able to establish long-term partnerships, which has helped us to fill the needs of the local Chinese market. This is one place where flexibility comes in handy. We were able to remain true to our principles, comprehend the culture, and deliver high quality products. It took time, but since we’ve been around for 20 years, they trust us to listen to their needs. To gain their trust, we’ve invested numerous personal time.
How has OSI overcome challenges like infrastructure and technical issues in China?
We were able to partner with customers, suppliers, and government agencies. We believe that the government is trying to do the right thing for the country. When we are patient, we overcome all types of problems.
Your latest facility in China is quite an accomplishment. How were you able to build such a grand place?
Our newest facility represents all of the time we have spent in China. We are confident that we can make such a large investment for mass scale solutions. We have made great partnerships in the area. Currently, we have the raw materials available and the perfect location, so it is a wonderful achievement. It is a testament to our ability to understand the cultural marketplace. It is quite fast-paced and exciting. Keeping up allows us to get ahead of our competitors.
How does OSI encourage entrepreneurs to be innovative?
It is actually the customers who inspire innovation. To provide a valuable product or service, it is essential to meet customer needs. For instance, if a client needs help in a particular menu segment, we will rev up our food development with creativity to uncover a solution that fits consumer wants in a cost-effective manner. We constantly measure the effectiveness of out efforts and evaluate our mistakes. Risks are always worthwhile, and they are some of the best learning tools.
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How does OSI manage to keep its quality standards so high?
OSI values family, and we view our clients as family. If we can’t serve our products to our families, we certainly would never pass it to our customers.
How do you keep up with the changing world?
Adapting to change is essential, and it is the only way to ensure future success. Being able to swiftly change provides an advantage. Consumer needs always change. Right now, consumers appreciate local sourcing and simple ingredients. When these preferences change, we must be ready. This is what makes our job so exhilarating.
What do you see as the future for OSI?
We intend to follow our past path. We will continue to bring value to our customers and come up with innovative solutions. This will help us to keep expanding.
After 30 years, how do you remain passionate about your job?
I always strive to deliver helpful solutions to customers. Since their needs are constantly changing, it keeps things exciting. Also, I enjoy watching our team grow, and I love the interaction between all of our team members. Each success keeps my passion flowing.
In conclusion, what is one point about OSI that few people may know?
At OSI Group, we never tout our successes. We are solely in business to help our customers. Our modesty may hamper our company’s recognition, but the positive feedback from our clients creates awareness for our company. Their confidence is a great reward.
Click here to learn more about David McDonald.