March 12, 2025

Q&A with Chris Pizzo, Founder of Way of the Warrior


1. Tell us a bit about Way Of The Warrior.

Way of the Warrior is a transformational program for “people of excellence” (those with untapped skill, ambition, or ideas) that feel trapped in their existence. Through the removal of fear, we are able to discover one’s true purpose in life and then work with them to build (and even monetize) said purpose into a life of personal achievement, professional significance and financial abundance.

2. What gave you the idea for your business and how did it start?

After a harrowing journey of reaching the top echelon of the information publishing world only to then lose everything shortly after, I spent years working amongst dozens of truly remarkable and amazing people as I rebuilt my own life.

What they all had in common was as gifted, talented, or motivated as they where, no one had ever taken the time nor given them the proper support and guidance to show them a better life.

Way of the Warrior is the path towards that life.

3. What’s your favorite thing about your job?

For years I was miserable (even when exorbitantly wealthy) simply because I was not following my own true purpose in life. Way of the Warrior allows me to fully live that purpose as a teacher and contribute to others.

4. What are your keys to making yourself productive?

Scheduling. Every minute of every day is scheduled out…including rest and family time. Sounds exhausting to most, but that is simply because they are not living their true purpose.

5. Tell us one long-term goal in your career.

I don’t believe in goals, only accomplishing the task, project, or mission at hand. The present is the only timeframe you can control. I will help as many “warriors” find and live their true purpose as I can. 

6. What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned through the course of your career?

Never seek nor strive for money. Only seek to better yourself through living your purpose. The rest naturally aligns to support your efforts based on that very action.

7. What advice would you give to others aspiring to succeed in your field?

Life is struggle. Embrace it. Love it. Never want the battle to end. Without the fight a warrior is nothing.

8. What are your favorite things to do outside of work?

Play Dungeons and Dragons with my 4 boys, train Brazilian jiu-jitsu and Judo with my warrior brethren, and take my wife out to try new restaurants.

9. Name a few influential books you’ve read and/or websites you keep up with that you’d recommend to readers.

Meditations – Marcus Aurelius

How To Make Millions With Your Ideas

Thick Face, Black Heart – Chin-Ning Chu

Start With No – Jim Camp

Marketing Warfare- Reis

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