March 7, 2025

Meghana Rajadhyaksha Sales & Marketing Expert

Meghana Rajadhyaksha

Meghana Rajadhyaksha is a business and political-science graduate of the University of Michigan who spent much of her professional career in medical device and pharmaceutical sales and marketing, during which she put in long days and traveled extensively throughout the nation. In this period, Meghana Rajadhyaksha received a number of promotions and served in a variety of roles, including specialty sales work in the operating room.

Currently situated in Miami, FL, she has taken on the role as Chief Marketing Officer at The Miami Spine Institute. The Miami Spine Institute specializes in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, where the physicians use the latest technology and innovation to perform the least invasive procedure possible with the most effective and safe results. She is also involved with a number of additional charitable and community organizations in the Miami area, as well as being a devoted wife and mother of two children.

Tell us a bit about what you do.

A typical day includes coordinating marketing events. Following up with physicians and referral sources. I also assist in the management of the practice. We try to bring our ideas to life with interaction. Patient education is paramount. We organize seminars for patients as well as referral sources in order to educate and produce continuity of care.

What gave you the idea for (what you do/your company)? How did it start?

Miami Spine Institute, is the name would suggest is based out of Miami. However, we do have an office in Fort Lauderdale as well. We wanted to create an Institute that focused solely on pathology of the spine. We wanted to be able to offer options for care including physical therapy, pain management, and spine surgery. Over time, our practice has evolved into a Minimally Invasive Spine practice.

What’s your favorite thing about your chosen profession?

My favorite thing about my job is learning. I think when we stop learning, we become stagnant. I’ve learned so much about people, medicine, and technology through my position. Spine surgery has evolved so much over the last few years. Technological advances have allowed us to treat very complex conditions with minimally invasive techniques. There are always new techniques evolving. There is so much progress as far as technology in the field. If you stop learning, you fall behind. Learning allows us to grow, advance, and excel.

What keys to being productive can you share with us?

Try to go to bed as early as I can, usually around 9 o’clock. I then get up at 5am in the morning and start my day. I love being awake early in
the morning because it’s quiet and peaceful. I will usually start with the morning workout or yoga, and then a quick shower. This wakes me up and gets me ready to start the day. I can usually do some paperwork, respond to emails, and plan my day before driving my kids to school.

Tell us one long-term goal in your career.

Currently, at the Miami Spine Institute, we focus on mainly treatment of spinal pathology. Patients come to us when they have a problem. We are developing a preventative medicine type approach to spine health. This is an all-encompassing maintenance program including diet, exercise, and supplements to help prevent spinal problems in the future.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned through the course of your career?

When I started out in sales, it was uncomfortable at first. I had to overcome my fear of talking to new people, but meeting new people became easier the more I did it. Sales definitely forces you to step out of your comfort zone. Interacting with people daily made me realize how valuable relationships are. The most valuable lesson I have learned is how to deal with rejection. Losing an opportunity was difficult at first for me, but I soon realized that they were not necessarily saying no to me, they were saying no to the idea or product. Letting things go and teaching myself how to handle rejection gave me the mentality to persevere in any situation.

What advice would you give to others aspiring to succeed in your field?

Be persistent, knowledgeable, confident and polite! Hard work and determination are difference makers. Someone may be well educated and gifted with tremendous natural talents, but if they lack drive, those qualities will not add up to tangible results.

What are your favorite things to do outside of work?

Family time. I love spending time with my family. We do work very hard. But that makes us cherish those moments with her family even more. I love going to my son’s baseball games and my daughter’s gymnastics classes. I love going to the beach and fishing with my kids. We also love to travel. Traveling with children is a new adventure. I also try to live a physically-active lifestyle. A few of my interests include playing golf and tennis, scuba diving, and skiing.

Name a few influential books you’ve read and/or websites you keep up with that you’d recommend to readers.

“How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. My father made me read this when I was in middle school. I didn’t really understand why at the time. But I read it again later when I was in college, and realized how relevant it was in all aspects of life.

I have also been inspired by “Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t” by Jim Collins. It describes how companies transition from being good companies to great companies through discipline.

What advice would you give your younger self?

I would tell all younger people, including younger Meghana Rajadhyaksha that they should spend more time with their parents. No one will love you like your parents. Sometimes they just want to know if you’re okay. And when we are younger we don’t realize how smart they really are. I would also tell my younger self to listen to my parents. At times when I thought they were wrong usually were not.

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