March 9, 2025

Q&A with Megan Ambers, CEO of IAmMeganAmbers


Tell us a bit about IAmMeganAmbers.

IAmMeganAmbers is a digital magazine ran by myself for the 30-something-year-olds that likes to follow the news of new music, pop culture, fashion, traveling, and lifestyle. I like to think of it as a smaller version of (laughs) I could never get a job there so I thought why not create my own version of it?

What gave you the idea for your business and how did it start?

I started IAmMeganAmbers, about 4 years ago, while I was living in a shelter with my son, Michael. I knew I wanted to create something that has longevity and can withstand the competition of other like-minded brands, to leave behind for him one day. I took $25 dollars that I didn’t have to spare and I went onto WordPress and purchased my domain, and I would work on it throughout the night while my son would sleep. I am an avid Twitter junkie and I would share so much of my opinions about the current state of the pop culture and I thought to myself, why not share my opinion on my own platform? Pay me for my thoughts.

What’s your favorite thing about your job?

My favorite thing about my job is being my own boss. I am a freelance writer and when you work for other people, you have to follow their rules and their ideas for their brand. And while that may pay, it doesn’t fulfill my need to speak my own truth. I love to have my own entertainment website where I can work on my own schedule and choose whether to be censored or not. It is liberating.

What are your keys to making yourself productive?

I remind myself every day that there is always tomorrow. When I live for today, I get a rush of anticipation, but I also overwork myself. Sometimes you have to be reminded that you are only one person, you aren’t a superhero, it is okay to put yourself and your mental health first. It is a necessity to think of yourself first every once and a while, because if something happens to you, who will finish what you started?

Tell us one long-term goal in your career.

One of my long-term goals is to work with both Kanye West and Kid Cudi. (laughs) Whether it is with them together or separate, it doesn’t matter to me as long as it becomes a possibility. I followed their careers respectfully for so long and I admire them both so much and as mentors (in my mind) I know that I could learn so much from them. I feel like if I could achieve this, there is nothing else that I can’t do.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned through the course of your career?

The most valuable lesson that I’ve learned is to be your own biggest fan. There is no one who will want you to win more than yourself and if you don’t want to see yourself win, you mind as well give up right now.

What advice would you give to others aspiring to succeed in your field?

Never give up. You will come across people who may be more qualified than you or may even have more experience than you but speaking from myself, a college dropout (Kanye reference), nothing can stop you from opening doors that you never thought would open. Writing for Vashtie, The Source, Hollywood Unlocked, and others taught me that perseverance is possible. You have to believe in yourself more than anything.

What are your favorite things to do outside of work?

I love to spend time with my son, he is a computer wiz like myself, so we play a lot of games online and offline. He is my little guy. I also love going to concerts and music festivals with my friends. I am a homebody for the most part, so if I don’t have to go out, I won’t. (laughs) And I am currently working on my new KID CUDI Fansite, and that takes a lot of my time as well.

Name a few influential books you’ve read and/or websites you keep up with that you’d recommend to readers.

I love re-reading The secret. I am a firm believer of the law of attraction, I know I am the creator of my universe and others should feel the same way too. I am also a spiritualist and I have been reading Sacred Woman by Queen Afua. I started reading it after a friend of mine sent me a list of all of the books that Nipsey Hussle read before his passing and I haven’t been able to put the book down since.

Twitter – @IAmMeganAmbers
Instagram – @MeganAmbers
Editor-in-Chief of
Freelancer of 1 AM Creative
Former Staff Writer of
Former Contributor of The Source Magazine
Former News and Music Contributor for Hollywood Unlocked

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