January 21, 2025

Q&A with Jolon Franklin, CEO of AYO Graphics


Tell us a bit about AYO Graphics.

Ayo graphics is essentially a Multimedia / Content Creation firm. So to put it quite simply we help build corporate and personal brands with their online presence , ensuring quality media and promotion.

What gave you the idea for your business and how did it start?

Well, I mean, as a creator our most valuable asset is imagination.  We can see the things that number guys and practical thinkers can’t.  So it only made sense that instead of trying to conform to a career path that really only utilizes one skillset, why not take everything we enjoy doing and make a job out of that. As Aristotle once said,
“Pleasure in the job, puts excellence in the work.” I maybe paraphrasing slightly but yea, we take pleasure in it so it’s a joy to have something like that.

What’s your favorite thing about your job?

It’s the ability to create period. It’s like no matter what we do everybody will like and see something different about it.

What are your keys to making yourself productive?

The drive to create something that will last beyond our time. You never know what piece of art you make will do that , so the only thing you can do is keep creating.

Tell us one long-term goal in your career.

Long term. Hmmm. I mean maybe working with large budget movies or tv shows,  you know like being apart of a cult classic type franchise and having that type of impact.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned through the course of your career?

Consistency.  Failure comes with the game. I had to learn to fail and fail often until it all clicked. And then continue to fail until the next thing did as well.

What advice would you give to others aspiring to succeed in your field?

To fail and not take it personally when you do. It’s a perseverance game at the end of the day.

What are your favorite things to do outside of work?

Travel, make memories with friends and loved ones and integrate that into my day to day lifestyle. I dont want to be remembered as a successful worker,  just a happy and joyously successful person.

Name a few influential books you’ve read and/or websites you keep up with that you’d recommend to readers.

Art of War for my business minded people.  Trust it helps. And the autobiography of W.E.B Dubois.  That’s a very insightful book as well. As far as anything else, as a creator I read and listen to alot of science fiction novels. I like to let my mind create movies from the words. That I think stimulates creativity in myself. Read things that you like and read often.
Social Media links:
IG: @cypha_ix_
Facebook: Cypha IX Cyph
LinkedIn: Jolon Franklin
YouTube: Cypha IX
Website: Daily+Grind.com

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