February 22, 2025

Q&A With Christine Kolenda, CEO of Mastermind Extraordinary


I love my work. It is amazing to me to see changes, breakthroughs, hope, excitement and burdens lifted with my clients. As a matter of fact the mastermind group celebrates for each other.

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Tell us a bit about Mastermind Extraordinary.

First let me tell you little bit about masterminds. The ideas or concept of masterminds are not new. From the time that people started to come together to communicate, they developed ideas and solutions because of the group, at times creating amazing results.

I named my mastermind “Extraordinary” because that is a mastermind. When you work with others for solutions you engage a mastermind that brings forth extraordinary solutions and ideas. The solutions may be small or big that does matter as long as the solution fits. You can think of everything from music to Olympic Dream Teams, business partnerships, Art collaborations even families that we know are mastermind groups. Mastermind Extraordinary gives individuals the opportunity to Mastermind Extraordinary for their lives and business.

What gave you the idea for your business and how did it start?

This portion of my career came about both slowly and overnight, after a few big changes in my life and career. I spent twenty plus years in the beauty industry. Early on I realized that no matter how much I helped someone look better through makeup, hair, clothing I always had to do internal work with them or the outside changes did not stick. That realization took me on a long journey of self discovery so I could help my clients.

I became immersed in learning Tapping, Laugh Yoga, intuition, certifications in coaching, numerology, Law of attraction, and various other modalities and studies. I began to help my clients in ways that were not available to me before. This was truly remarkable and fulfilling. So after a divorce, a move and a journey of my own with a few bumps in the road I knew facilitating masterminds a way that I could help others in a manner that made sense. I am able to use my talents, skills and experience to the to help others to get to the next level in their journey.

What’s your favorite thing about your job?

I love my work. It is amazing to me to see changes, breakthroughs, hope, excitement and burdens lifted with my clients. As a matter of fact the mastermind group celebrates for each other. I love being creative with my clients for solutions to challenges. I love my clients. For myself I love that I love what I do and can work form anywhere. For this I am grateful. I am planning on creating other events for my clients going forward.

What are your keys to making yourself productive?

Love what you do. If you are forcing yourself to be productive take a look at what you are doing . Clearly a question to ask yourself.

On the other hand there are tasks that I clearly don’t like to do or that I am not in the mood to do, or don’t know how to do. My solution is, use is a timer. Set a timer for 15 minutes. Tell yourself that you love (insert name of task and you cannot not wait to do it for the next 15 minutes) then start. You will be amazed at how productive you are. I don’t care if you need to learn something (I taught this to my step daughter who eventually loved her history homework) or tasks for work. A great way to get house work done as well. At the end of 15 minutes give yourself a reward, 5 minutes in front of the tv or whatever. Set the timer again and repeat the process until your task is done. You can increase the amount of time if your disciplined. For me it works every time.

Tell us one long-term goal in your career.

One long term career goal is to run Mastermind Extraordinary Events which include activities that challenge my participants such as Zip line tours or creative endeavors. These types of activities not only move your physical and creative energy they have a influence on all aspects of thinking, and they’re fun. It is amazing how pushing yourself (with the encouragement of others) can change your outlook on life, your issues and your solutions.

I know you said just one but I am planning to adopt a local elementary school and paying for the lunch program

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned through the course of your career?

There are no problems only solutions.

My most valuable lesson. I am not sure that I have learned it yet. However, to take it easy has been serving me quite well lately. I know it’s popular for a lot of coaches to say “take massive action”. I have taken massive on many occasions. I find that a single step on a consistent basis may be more valuable and does not zap you of energy. It gives you the time to see the path and smell the roses. We are not in a race. Take the time to meditate or contemplate even if it’s only for 3 – or 4 minutes a day. Do something everyday that you enjoy for no other reason that you enjoy it. I ride my bicycle and putter in the garden. These activities are not career oriented except that they keep my clam and sane and rejuvenated.

What advice would you give to others aspiring to succeed in your field?

The first thing to do is to participate in a mastermind. It will give you first hand experience. There are different types of masterminds out there. Choose one that has a topic and group that resonates with you. Decide if you want a group that meets once a week or a few times per year. Do you want a group that is a few people or hundreds of people.

Read, Think and Grow Rich because it talks about the concept. Go to my website ChristineKolenda.com to read a bit more. For specific training you can visit Karen Greenstreet. No matter what you do I am sure that you will find this a very rewarding field to be in.

What are your favorite things to do outside of work?

Outside of work I love to putter in my garden. I say putter because the plants do all the work I just give them food and water. I design jewelry and create art pieces for my home. My boyfriend and I have started taking various road trips lately. There is never a shortage of things to do learn, see or get involved in. If you ask me the same question in a year from now I am sure I will have added a few more items to the list and taken a few off.

Name a few influential books you’ve read and/or websites you keep up with that you’d recommend to readers.

The Law of Attraction by Michael Losier
Remembering the Future by Colette Baron Reid
Think and Grow, Rich by Napoleon Hill
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
What to say, When to Speak and When to Shut Up by Allie Casey
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