Q&A With Bryan Byrd, Co-Founder of TheTackleRoom.com

1. Tell us a bit about The Tackle Room.
TheTackleRoom.com offers some tough to find Saltwater fishing equipment. Most of our items are custom, and we work very hard to combine the value of a true custom tackle shop experience with the convenience of online shopping. Where as many of our competitors work through drop shippers, we stock 99% of everything we sell, and most orders ship the same day they’re placed.
2. What gave you the idea for your business and how did it start?
My business partner, Matt approached me with the idea a couple of years ago. We wanted to start out with some small, difficult to find items, and it just expanded from there.
3. What’s your favorite thing about your job?
Providing anglers with the right gear to catch fish at a fair price, while answering any questions they may have. There’s no shortage of companies doing some variation of what we do. However, when a customer calls us, we shoot straight. We won’t sell someone the wrong item for the sake of making a sale. We’ve actually called several customers to adjust their orders because of mismatched gear or tackle that wasn’t right for the application. Matt and I would much rather steer someone straight, even if it means a lost sale than to sell something that isn’t going to work for its intended purpose. It’s a blast helping folks catch fish.
4. What are your keys to making yourself productive?
Lists! Every night before leaving the office, I write down key action items for the following day. Knocking items off the list helps to keep motivated as well.
5. Tell us one long-term goal in your career.
This is more of a life goal, but I’d like to fish more than I work. haha
6. What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned through the course of your career?
Again, more of a life lesson – The Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I feel like if you follow this in your business life, and your personal life, things are generally going to go better for everyone.
7. What advice would you give to others aspiring to succeed in your field?
Do some research. E-commerce is like an onion…there are lots of layers and when you start peeling them back, some of them are bound to make you cry. It’s absolutely critical to make lots of maneuvers with a young, small business. However, it’s equally critical that those maneuvers are well thought out.
8. What are your favorite things to do outside of work?
Hang out with my wife and son, fish, sit on the beach and do absolutely nothing.
9. Name a few influential books you’ve read and/or websites you keep up with that you’d recommend to readers.
Books: “Delivering Happiness” “The Personal MBA” “The Tipping Point”
Websites: Reddit (there’s a lot more to Reddit than cat memes), tim.blog, assorted fishing websites…