January 21, 2025


Tell us a bit about Michelle Speakz If You Hide It, You Can’t Heal It.

Michelle Speakz provides a platform making you aware that you know that no matter how dire, hurtful, dangerous yoursituation maybe, that others have gone through too…you are not alone. Michelle Speakz will uncover it all, so that you too will be free from whomever and whatever it is that is killing your social, emotional, spiritual and financial growth and learn how to get out from underneath the burdens that hold you down. Michelle Speakz provides 1:1 coaching to “Redefine Your Life-Path, Creating Your Ideal Life,  Virtual Programming ~ Unmasking the Hurt (3 Phase Program), and Empowered 2 Thrive memberships to aid individuals with identifying and moving beyond obstacles preventing them from moving forward in life.  Annual Empowerment Events (March ~ Learning 2 Love Me/ May ~ After I Prayed…Now What? (targeting mental health in the Christian Community)); monthly support groups (Empowered 2 Thrive ).

What gave you the idea for your business and how did it start?

Michelle’s own journey to healing from sexual and domestic abuse, military sexual trauma and mental illness was the catalyst for her passion for assisting others on their journey to healing.

What’s your favorite thing about your job?

Reigniting the desire in individuals to embrace, process and master their emotions, demotions, roadblocks to

What are your keys to making yourself productive?

Consistency, Self-Accountability, Persistence, Drive, Maintaining a routine of self-awareness, self-evaluation, Accountability to mentorship

Tell us one long-term goal in your career.

My long-term goal is expanding Michelle Speakz into a global brand.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned through the course of your career?

The most valuable lesson I’ve learned is to continue to inspire others to grow; I must commit to being a life-long learner, focused on the greater good.

What advice would you give to others aspiring to succeed in your field?

Be willing to address the challenging areas in your life; you cannot separate the personal from the professional because in the business of recovery, it’s ALL personal.

What are your favorite things to do outside of work?

Some of my favorite pastimes are writing (poetry and songs), dancing, singing, rock-climbing, running and ANYTHING outdoors.  I also love spending quality time with close friends.

Name a few influential books you’ve read and/or websites you keep up with that you’d recommend to readers.

 John Maxwell – The 15 Valuable Laws of Growth

Myles Munroe – Kingdom Principles

 Stever Farber – Greater Than Yourself, Extreme Leadership

Lawrence Bossidy/Ram Charan – Execution, The Discipline of Getting Things Done

Daniel Goleman – Emotional Intelligence 


Michelle Speakz


Organizational Overview

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