March 29, 2025

Q&A with Felicia D. Lax Jefferson, Visual Artist


Tell us a bit about being a Visual Artist

After 25 yrs of being away from my hometown Manhattan, Kansas, I decided to establish my work as a visual artist and create a network service to work and assist other artists to promote their talent.

What gave you the idea for your business and how did it start?

I was living in Texas for most of those 25 yrs. I have always had Artistry in my heart and was able to work in various projects in the arts. Starting in Temple, TX learning how to sew and understanding Theater Production, Promoting of sales, things like that. Did numerous projects with local churches learning Dance and Choreography. Even learned ASL and incorporated it with dance. This was something that at that time very few were familiar with and it boomed and became a rising trend. But I didn’t get the recognition that was deserved as an artist. But rather someone good at it. I was young and I just wanted to do Artistry. Over time my works started again in Austin, TX. After 10 yrs of trying, I was ready to try back home, Manhattan, Ks. I did some research and it was a fitting decision.
What’s your favorite thing about your job?
The best thing as far as myself, is to sell a piece or invited to an event to present my love towards art. As when I am assisting another artist I love the fact of how surprised they are when I go out of their way to help, promote. I believe all artist are wonderful and Fabulous…and Unique. No need to hate, but celebrate the spirit of the Arts.

What are your keys to making yourself productive?

My four keys towards my productivity:
 1. You got to trust in what you believe in. I didn’t take this step because of someone else telling me. There were times people didn’t tell me anything. I had to build that trust inside. 
2. Staying positive. I’m an artist and am very hard on myself. Plus I’m very  No bad vibes.. I stay to myself alot and away from negativity.
3. Stay determined/build discipline. I still have much to grow on and starting at this age I owe it to myself to learn and experience all I can. Because I want to be a forerunner in my home, Build legacy for my children, grandchildren. For them I stay fired up!
4. The inspiration I love my music! From classical to ol Skool Hip-Hop. Its all Art and I feed off it. I have a t.v…but I dont even watch it.

Tell us one long-term goal in your career.

To have a memorial gallery big enough to host musical talent and the business to be strong enough to gain power to bring acts to central Kansas. To be respected to recieve invites. For BelaBug to Be strong enough to not charge a fellow artist.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned through the course of your career?

To stay strong and keep going. This is my story and my God given gift. No one has the right to hold me down. And shame on the ones over the years that did..( but my bio will be published so Im good ).

What advice would you give to others aspiring to succeed in your field?

Trust in your gift. Know that it is just whats needed in this world, and I am glad you’re here!

What are your favorite things to do outside of work?

I like walks. Poetry…sometimes silence. I overthink a lot.

Name a few influential books you’ve read and/or websites you keep up with that you’d recommend to readers.

Well my Classics, Mya Angelo, Langston Hughes, any of their books poems. I love the Teachings of the Late Bishop Norris Thomas,Pastor, of a church (Now called Greater Solid Rock, Austin, TX). A text message from my Mommie, Eva Smith… I keep up as much as possible with my trends and other artists to keep me alive, sharp. That what keeps Bela, to keep BelaBug.
Facebook: Artistry by BelaBug
Instagram: bela_bug

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