Interview with Kristin Kilmer, CEO of Kristin Kilmer Life + Style

Kristin Kilmer Life + Style is a new brand and a merging of the two companies, Kristin Kilmer Design, an interior design firm and KK Wellness, an intuitive health coaching company.
Our belief is that the ultimate healthy lifestyle encompasses both the healthy home and body as
“Sanctuary starts from within”. Using principles and years of experience in holistic, sustainable design and health coaching, we incorporate wellness of the body, mind, spirit with healthy home practices, intuitive health coaching and full service design if needed.
What gave you the idea for your business and how did it start?
The idea came because I found parallel needs from clients at the different companies. My design clients not only wanted tips on the best tips on healthy organic fabrics, mattresses, low voc paint, clean air, and sustainable materials incorporated into their home, but they started asking me advice on their kitchen and overall well-being. I would start to clean out their pantries and recommend healthy cookware also. Then on the flip side, my health coaching clients wanted more tips on optimizing their home for their well-being. I feel that nothing is in a vacuum and its both focus on regeneration: regeneration of the home or office space and regeneration on the body mind and spirit. It is so true that our inner world reflects our outer world and vice versa. So I decided to merge them so that each clientele base could see what all there is to offer for their optimal health.
What’s your favorite thing about your job?
That it is so so different everyday. Today for instance, I worked on designing a kitchen and a desk, then went on to do two intuitive health scans this afternoon. I should mention that what makes my health coaching services unique is that I am also a certified clairvoyant practitioner and can see pictures and energy within a client’s field so I am able to hone in on their needs and hidden areas of genius very quickly for faster transformation and that brings such great satisfaction.
What are your keys to making yourself productive?
Taking care of myself especially in the morning. Its always challenging not to get on the phone first thing so I either do breathwork or meditation and then I get myself out the door quickly.
Iuckily I have a great team and we have fun and our accountable for our productivity.
Having great nutrition and supplementation also helps the focus.
Tell us one long-term goal in your career.
I would like to have my staff take offer the day to day of the design business more so that I can travel and do the coaching and consulting from anywhere. The reason I became a health coach in the first place is because I went undiagnosed with lyme disease for so many years and needed answers. Because I was sick for so long I didn’t have children, my company is now my baby and I intend to nurture it, make the best of the life I do have and travel while being of service.
What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned through the course of your career?
Not to give up no matter how hard it gets, and stick to your vision. Many people told me to keep these companies separate but it was such a deep longing inside of me to do this that I have to keep going. Finally, don’t take business too personally, no matter how close it is to your heart.
What advice would you give to others aspiring to succeed in your field?
Same as above and find your “outlier” or niche that makes you unique. ALWAYS be professional and on time, make it fun but make sure the back end of the business is a tight ship and very organized
What are your favorite things to do outside of work?
I am addicted to travel, I am an information junkie and constantly going to classes, lectures, seminars. I LOVE nature hikes, hot yoga, bike rides and the beach. Always having artistic inspiration is important too so I love to comb art galleries, etc.
Name a few influential books you’ve read and/or websites you keep up with that you’d recommend to readers.
Anatomy of the Spirt by Carolyn Myss
Luke Storey’s podcast
Twitter: kristinkilmer
Instagram: kristinkilmer
LinkedIn: . com/in/kristin-kilmer-90b7934/