March 29, 2025

Q&A With Kim Dao, Social Media Entrepreneur, Professional Blogger and YouTube Channel Host

Kim Dao

In a world filled with fashion, makeup and travel, readers are grateful for the chance to explore new ventures with professional blogger Kim Dao. After sampling numerous brands, she captures the attention of her audience by sharing her passionate concerns and professional advice.

Kim is a native of Australia who previously pursued her studies in psychology and Japanese culture. She earned her degree from the University of Western Australia. After completing her studies, she became interested in blogging about her first trip to Japan via the Kim Dao Blog. While visiting Japan in 2011, Kim documented her journey and decided to share her insights with other people.

Even though the initial purpose of Kim’s blog was to keep and publish her experiences in Japan, the blog soon became a focal point for travelers intent on visiting Japan. Kim became so enamored with the Japanese people and culture that that she decided to move to Japan.

Once Kim noticed that her blog was gaining in popularity, she began to publish posts about other topics including information about traveling, fashion tips, makeup advice and popular culture. Eventually, she started a YouTube channel and began to participate in other social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Her readers began to multiply at an astonishing rate. Since she is exceedingly popular in a variety of digital platforms, Kim Dao has had a chance to use a wide array of brands including Amore Pacific, Liz Lisa, and Schwarzkopf. Kim Dao began to post YouTube videos of her life. In addition, her work has been displayed by television outlets in Japan and media organizations in her native Australia.

The following interview explains Kim Dao’s views on a number of topics:

1. Where did you get the idea to create your popular Kim Dao Blog?

I wanted to create a lasting digital record of my trip to Japan. I had no idea that my coverage of the trip would lead to my online popularity and open the door for other opportunities. My family immediately recognized the fact that my blog was becoming a trend. My relatives encouraged me to expand my horizons.

2. Do you have any particular interest in one specific topic?

People living in many different countries around the world are connected today via social media platforms. My main interest is to learn from the experiences of other people.

3. How do you transform your concepts to real life?

My followers help me create new concepts. After I think about topics, I write posts and create videos that bring the ideas to life. I am eternally grateful to my followers for giving me the opportunity to share my opinions.

4. What do you do on a typical day and how do you make your time more productive?

Everything varies from day to day. However, I typically start the day by messaging my followers. My communications with readers give me the chance to understand the types of videos they want to view or the kinds of posts they want to read. After I communicate with my followers, I have a better idea about the things I need to accomplish on that particular day.

5. Do you have one habit that gives you a better understanding as an entrepreneur?

My best habit is related to the fact that I have excellent communication skills. My entrepreneurial career has definitely benefited from my ability to communicate.

6. Is there one thing you consistently do that helps you maintain your popularity as an entrepreneur?

Communication is the main key to my success as an entrepreneur. I have a deep understanding of the types of posts my followers want to read. I also know what types of videos to post. My efforts to understand my followers enable me to receive instant feedback. The immediate reactions from my followers give me the chance to make any necessary adjustments.

7. Is there one business idea you can share with readers?

My passion for the topic is the main key to achieving success as a blogger and major contributor to social media platforms. I make sure that my followers share my interests in brands that offer me inspiration in my daily life. Each entrepreneur needs to think about the things that influence passion and then share these happy feelings with other people. A business that is not created out of joy is less likely to motivate and inspire followers.

8. Can you describe the best $100 you recently spent?

I recently bought an airline ticket to Australia. I had the chance to visit my friends and relatives. Since I had not seen any of my loved ones since my move to Japan, the ticket was well worth the money I spent.

9. Is there one specific strategy that helped you expand your business?

Creating a loyal following is the key to my success as an entrepreneur. Since I am always willing to share my experiences via blog posts and videos, my followers know what to expect. I continue to make an effort to know my followers and their concerns.

10. Do you use specific software and web services you can recommend to readers?

When involved in expanding my business, I rely on various types of software and web services. When using software for my own personal enjoyment, Skype is my favorite choice. The ability to chat with my friends, relatives and colleagues makes it easier for me to live in Japan without feeling too distant from the people I love.

11. Can you mention any books that have influenced your success as an entrepreneur?

I enjoyed reading Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk (Harper Business, 2013). I highly recommend his book to readers who are exciting about obtaining the highest levels of success from social media networking websites.

12. Can you name a few individuals who have influenced your creativity?

I already mentioned Gary Vaynerchuk as my top choice. Additionally, I enjoy reading books written by Rolf Potts and Malcolm Gladwell.

Follow Kim Dao on LinkedIn and @kimdaoblog

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