March 7, 2025

Jeff Yapp, Founder and CEO of Wutznxt


Jeff Yapp is the kind of marketer every professional needs. His consulting agency, Wutznxt, works on the cutting edge of social development marketing. He brings more than 30 years of experience to every client and every project. His portfolio includes both fresh start-ups and Fortune 100 companies. A results driven, innovative marketer, Jeff Yapp knows the value of positive relationships that forge lasting results online and off.

Jeff Yapp graduated with a Masters in Marketing, Finance, and Operations from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. He initially began working with Kraft Foods Group, where he took an entry level marketing position. He rose quickly to the Product Group Manager of the Kraft Beverage Division. His success continued as he moved into Gallo Wines, Pepsico and Newscorp positions with 20th Century Fox Entertainment and Viacom’s MTV. He has always thrived in a competitive environment and continues to enjoy the challenges that face him and his customers today.

Today, Jeff Yapp resides with his beautiful wife in Portland, Oregon, as they enjoy the time they spend with their seven children. As Founder and CEO of Wutznxt, he specializes in direct to consumer and small business leadership and continues to work with Fortune 100 companies as well.  He strives to help his clientele stand apart from their peers and competitors in a way that creates experience, blending brand recognition with positive memory creation – the lasting connection leaves better brand knowledge.

Tell us a bit about what you do.

I create new experiences and connections for my clients, we build brands that stick out in customer’s minds. By forging relationships that stem from memorable experiences, we are can ensure our clients are recalled by potential customers. We take great pride in being able to develop brand oriented strategies that are customized to meet and exceed every client’s needs.

What gave you the idea for (what you do/your company)? How did it start?

I wanted to begin a business that I knew I could create a comfortable living on my own. Each new position I grew into was both challenging and adventurous. I enjoyed finding the unique needs of each position that would grow the business. My greatest challenge was beginning my own company in 2009. While it was a natural next step, it has been the kind of challenge I thrive on.

I have been able to apply my skills and knowledge to growing Wutznxt. It’s been an incredible adventure ever since.

What’s your favorite thing about your chosen profession?

I love getting to know my clients and forging their success. When my team can create a path that draws fantastic success for a client, it gives me a thrill to know their company is thriving. When a client comes back to us again and again, we have the pleasure of continuing to build their success and our relationship with them. There is nothing better than long term relationships.

What keys to being productive can you share with us?

I wake up early every day and I make my most productive time my creative time. This allows me to maximize my energy. Every morning is spent with my family, then by 8 I get my day started in the office. Every afternoon, when I am less productive, I spend it getting updated on projects, in meetings with my incredible team and developing the next step in a plan.

So, maximize your time. Target your best energy toward your most demanding activities. Create tools for making your less energetic times effective.

Tell us one long-term goal in your career.

I hope to continue to grow and develop our relationships. It is my hope to provide every new and old customer with unique and inventive results that build their brand bigger and better than before we started working with them.

I hope to continue to develop the action plans that grow each of our divisions and generate the results my team has come to expect in the most effective way possible.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned through the course of your career?

I have learned that building the right team is the key to success. With the right team, and the right people on that team, you can maximize your impact. I have worked hard to develop the best approach to team building, often through informal interviews and team building events. A well-honed team is better than any machine, program, or tool.

What advice would you give to others aspiring to succeed in your field?

I would suggest getting comfortable learning from those who know more than you do. Build your successful venture by researching and not letting up on learning. Also, don’t be afraid to take a calculated risk. These risks often pay off sooner and better than you would expect, but only because you don’t hold back.

What are your favorite things to do outside of work?

I love spending time with my family. My wife and I work to keep our contact and bonds active with our children. Many are adults already and they, even now, are our greatest joy.

Name a few influential books you’ve read and/or websites you keep up with that you’d recommend to readers.

I strongly suggest “Think and Grow Rich”. It’s well known, but effective. It was written in a way that the impact of the information continues to help create the business mindset in men and women today.

“How to Win Friends and Influence People” really helps to hone your communication skills and develop your ability to connect with people. With strong communication skills, you are able to build relationships that grow strong and last.

Beyond those two, I think that learning is critical to successful results. You should pick up every book you can and actively read them. It should be something you enjoy. No matter what you read, keep reading. Keep learning. Always grow your library and your mind.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Be aware of your limitations. Keep an open mind about everything. Don’t give up on things you want. Never let another person distract you from your goals. Time is fleeting. Your place is with your family first, then whatever company you’re working with.

If you can keep all of those things in mind, there are no regrets and plenty of opportunities that will grow each and every day.

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