Q&A with Eduardo Sirotsky Melzer

1.Where did the idea of creating EB Capital come from?
We believe in entrepreneurship in Brazil as a way to positively impact the growth of the country and the generation of high returns. We have extensive experience in managing and operating companies and have decided to create a middle market focused investment platform where successful founders have already brought their companies to a relevant level of size but now need help to take the next step. Our help is not just capital-focused. Without a doubt, capital is necessary, but we contribute in management, operation and execution.
2.Describe a typical day of yours. How do you make it productive?
I never give up starting the day right after 5:00 with a good workout. I practice several modalities, and this beginning of the day guarantees my balance, my energy, my focus and my disposition. The workday is unpredictable. No matter how much you plan and organize, many issues arise during the day, and I have the flexibility to adjust myself. I really care about finishing my day at home with my family. This balance between sport, work, and family forms my basis of balance and motivation.
3.How do you bring your ideas to life?
Through action! Moving Forward. Here at EB Capital we like good ideas, but we are also passionate about making. Bringing ideas to life is to have the ability to bring together a brilliant group of people who paddle in the same direction.
4.Talk about a trend that has currently caught your attention.
I believe that, more and more, the combination of profit and purpose is key to the success of companies and society. It is not one to the detriment of the other. Instead. It is one reinforcing and boosting the other. Companies that have strong and true purpose generate greater returns.
5.Talk about a habit that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur.
Having very good people working together, aligning goals, trusting and delegating. Delegation to trusted people generates scale and productivity.
6.What advice would you give to yourself as a young person?
Do not accept “no” as an option. Go till the end without giving up. Believe firmly in your goals and surround yourself with good, loyal and cheerful people.
7.As an entrepreneur, say something you do often and recommend that everyone do it too.
Being close to people. I believe in execution. And to execute, you need to have good people together with you on the boat. We have to meet our people.
8.Which book would you recommend to our readers and why?
“Originals,” by Adam Grant, who talks about how nonconformists change the world. They are people who have no limits, go to the end without giving up, which is a lot of what I believe.
- What are your favorite quotes?
I am very fond of a phrase that my grandfather, Maurício Sirotsky Sobrinho (founder of the RBS Group, my family company and of whom I am the Chairman), and for me, it is always very current: “keep your eyes open to this accelerated, accompanying technological development, without losing sight of the human dimension. ”
Read more about Eduardo Sirotsky Melzer here.