Q&A with Dani Felt, CEO of Dani Felt Consultants

Tell us a bit about Dani Felt Consultants.
Dani Felt Consultants is a one-stop shop for musicians. We help connect artists to marketing, branding and creative service providers to help them build their brand. Some examples are music producers, web designers, photographers and more.
What gave you the idea for your business and how did it s tart?
I have always had a passion for singing and songwriting. I also found a new passion for marketing and networking. Therefore, I put my 3 passions into one to create a powerful network to help musicians. My biggest inspiration was my internship in London at a music PR firm. It inspired me to start my own thing. From there I started a music blog. Then wrote a book with the advice from the interviews I had done with my team. Then decided to start a second company called Dani Felt Consultants LLC, a place to connect artists to resources.
What’s your favorite thing about your job?
My favorite thing about my company is the opportunity to build bridges. I love connecting and helping people. The fact that my company helps artists every day makes me so happy! I am so grateful for the opportunity to help singers and songwriters each day.
What are your keys to makin g yourself productive?
My first key is spirituality. Learning how to have balance in my life. Making time to do things that are for my enjoyment such as songwriting or watching a musical. Happiness is a big key to productivity. When I am doing things I love, I will, in turn, be more productive. Taking breaks by doing things like going for a walk, calling a friend, eating your favorite meal make such a difference in my whole day. Gratitude is also a big one. I feel that the more grateful I am the more incredible things come into my life which ultimately makes me more productive. Another is having the right coach who can keep you accountable. This makes a huge difference and makes you stay on top of your work and hustle. Fourth is health, when I eat cleaner or eat better my mind can think clearer and faster. Diet is key for productivity!
Tell us one long-term goal in your career.
Well, I just launched my first artist development program called the Artist Plugin Program. My goal is for this program to take off and for it to be able to help millions of artists around the world. This program helps empower artists by teaching them 4 key elements: mindset, online branding, monetizing and networking. It is my goal with this program to leave artists feeling empowered and inspired to follow their dreams.
What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned through the course of your career?
There is so many lessons I have learned so far. The most valuable I would say is be careful who you trust and do business with. Who someone works with is key. Make sure they have good character. Try to start with them in something small to see how they do before giving them a big job. Who people know and who they work with is key. When you are introducing someone your reputation is always on the line. Make sure you can trust them.
What advice would you give to others aspiring to succeed in your field?
One of my biggest pieces of advice to give aspiring entrepreneurs is learn to meditate and really focus within. Listen to your inner voice and your gut. Find a great mentor, someone who is doing what you are doing so you can learn from their mistakes. Also, don`t be afraid to dream BIG. You can do anything and you should always aim BIG. Also, don`t be afraid of rejection. The more rejection the more you are putting yourself out there. Go for it! Take risks!
What are your favorite thin gs to do outside of work?
My favorite thing in the entire world besides songwriting, recording, and singing is watching theatre. I will blast broadway music on repeat daily. So my favorite thing is to go see a Broadway musical or off Broadway. Just any theatre always inspires me!
Name a few influential books you’ve read and/or websites you keep up with that you’d recommend to readers.
The Secret is one of my favorite book and movie! It changed my life, go check it out. Also, youtube search Abraham Hicks! Life transforming info. I am a spiritual artist and entrepreneur so most of my influences are around those. The 4 Hour Work Week is also a great book!
Thank you so much for the opportunity!
Please connect with me on:
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ danifeltofficial
Facebook: https://www. facebook.com/ DaniFeltConsulting/
Youtube: https://www.youtube. com/channel/ UCtPEkYGvnacOFQS5Ab8QgFw
Music: https://danifeltmusic. com/
Learn more about my company at: https://danifelt.com/
Learn more about my program here: https://www. artistpluginprogram.com/sales- page-21234270